On Sunday 20th December, Mendip Cave Rescue received a report from the police at 16:30 that there was an overdue party of 4 cavers in Eastwater Cavern. Whilst MCR wardens were initially responding, a further report was received at 16:45 that the party had surfaced, having taken longer than anticipated to complete their trip, and the wardens were immediately stood down.
On Sunday 13th December, Mendip Cave Rescue received a report from the police at 20:20 that there was an overdue party of 6 cavers in Eastwater Cavern. Whilst MCR wardens were on their way to Priddy to undertake an initial search of the cave further reports were received that the party had surfaced, having had some trouble route finding in this complex system and taken longer than anticipated to complete their trip, and the wardens were stood down.
On Tuesday 22nd September, Mendip Cave Rescue received a report from the police at 18:30 that there was an overdue party of 4 cavers in Swildons Hole. Whilst MCR wardens were on their way to Priddy to undertake an initial check of the cave, further reports were received that the party had surfaced at 18:50, having had some trouble negotiating one of the squeezes and the wardens were stood down.
On Wednesday 5th August, reports were received at 20:15 that an experienced caver had fallen almost 50 feet down Echo Pot, a recently found shaft at the bottom of Templeton, sustaining several serious injuries. On arrival, Mendip Cave Rescue wardens quickly administered first aid and placed the casualty in a stretcher and carefully hauled him to the surface at 01:10 where he was handed over to the waiting paramedics for further treatment and transfer to hospital.
Mendip Cave Rescue were assisted throughout this difficult operation by members of Devon & Somerset Fire & Rescue service, Avon & Somerset Police, South Western Ambulance service and Wiltshire Air Ambulance.
Mendip Cave Rescue were called to assist the Police in a search for a possible missing person after personal items were found at the entrance to an abandoned iron mine on Exmoor. A team of 4 MCR wardens attended the science and performed thorough detailed search of 3 adits of which all were to a degree flooded. Nothing was found and the team was stood down for the Police to continue with any enquiries.