A training evening centred on Goatchurch Cavern in Burrington Combe. Meet at the carpark by the toilets at 19:00. This training event is open to all.
A training evening with sessions on stretcher familiarisation and stretcher packaging. Meet at the Belfry, the BEC headquarters at 19:30. This training event is open to all.
A training evening with talks on the dangers of CO2 and the use of CO2 monitors, to be run by Aubrey Newport and Stuart McManus. The MCR monitors will be available for people to practice using them. Meet at Upper Pitts, the Wessex Caving Club headquarters at 19:00. This training event is open to all.
There will be a rescue practice on Sunday 20th November. Please meet at the Belfry at 10:00 and bring caving kit (including SRT kit) if you want to go underground. The practice will finish by 16:00 at the very latest. All are welcome to attend this training event.
A training evening with the two new communication systems being used in St Cuthberts Swallet. The two systems being used are the cave link underground text messaging system and the Nicola3 underground radio system. Meet at the Belfry at 19:00 and bring caving kit if you want to go underground (or volunteer to spend the evening using the surface kit in the warmth of the hut!)